Hardwood Cribbage Board

from $64.99

Cribbage was invented in the early 1600s by Sir John Suckling, an English courtier, poet, gamester and gambler, as a derivation of the game noddy. While noddy has disappeared, cribbage has survived, virtually unchanged, as one of the most popular games in the English-speaking world.

Played by people of all ages all over the world, cribbage is a game that creates connections and brings people together. For some, it is a way to teach their young children simple math; for others, it is a way to bond with a parent or grandparent.

Our Beautifully crafted cribbage boards with precision hole pattern are available in purpleheart, maple, zebrawood, sapele mahogany, walnut, cherry, or rosewood.

Convenient hidden peg slot under board. (Metal pegs available for extra charge)

Available with or without engraved guidelines. Cribbage instructional page included with purchase.

Start, Stop, and Track outline:
With metal peg set:
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